DIY Methods for Controlling Common Indoor Pests

Are you looking for ways to control common indoor pests without having to call in a professional? If so, you're in luck! There are a variety of DIY methods that can help you keep your home free of pests. From using natural repellents to making homemade traps, there are plenty of ways to keep your home pest-free without having to resort to harsh chemicals. One of the most effective natural repellents is lavender or cedar. Place dry pieces of these around infested areas and the smell will keep moths away.

You can also make a homemade moth repellent spray by mixing equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and then adding 5 to 10 drops of essential oil such as citronella, eucalyptus, lavender or mint. Vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent and can also be used to deter many types of pests. Ants hate the smell of vinegar, and it will eliminate the olfactory traces they leave in the house to navigate. You can also make traps for fruit flies and gnats with apple cider vinegar mixed with a few drops of dish soap.

Insects will be attracted to the smell of vinegar, but once they touch it, the soap will prevent them from escaping. Catnip is a natural deterrent for cockroaches. You can prepare a “catnip tea” by cooking catnip in water, which you can then spray on areas where you see cockroaches. Catnip bags can also be effective, but avoid this method if you have cats at home.

Essential oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender, can help control dust mites and bed bugs. Simply mix a few drops with water and spray them on bedding, rugs and carpets. Kill fleas and flea eggs by sprinkling finely ground salt on the carpet, letting it sit for 24 hours and vacuuming it. Salt dehydrates fleas and ultimately kills them. If a swarm of ladybugs has invaded your home, the easiest way to get rid of them is with a vacuum cleaner - you can even release them outside again if you want.

Attach the tip of a pair of socks to the attachment of the vacuum cleaner hose with an elastic band as a trap. Don't have any ant bait handy? Try placing small piles of cornmeal. The ants will bring it back to the colony as food, but they can't digest it properly, ultimately reducing their numbers. Of course, when you have an infestation, the only option is to use traps. There are several DIY ideas for anti-rodent devices that can be used. For example, you can take an old bucket and place some peanut butter on the bottom.

Rats or mice will climb onto the object but won't get out. Owners can find more radical solutions in classic mousetraps. It's easy to create your own natural insecticide for indoor plants. My homemade insect repellent recipe is one teaspoon of mild liquid soap per liter of water. Among the most dreaded household intruders, it can be difficult to get rid of bed bugs on their own. You'll need to call a local bed bug removal professional in the event of a major infestation, as insects can multiply rapidly, hide and spread throughout the house. When it comes to pests in your garden or greenhouse plants, organic methods of pest control are the way to go.

Organic neem oil is a natural pesticide for indoor plants and is highly effective in controlling and eliminating common indoor plant pests. Professional pest control works faster than any DIY method, so it's the way to go if you want your pest problem to go away as soon as possible. The most common houseplant pests are resistant or can quickly develop resistance to chemical pesticides. If you're tired of fighting insects on your indoor plants, you need a copy of my e-book on indoor plant pest control.